We need you!

You have the power in your hands to support our campaign! You can write to your MP to encourage them to back the law change for Afro hair. Find your MP here. They need to hear from you their constituents and below are some of the things that they could do for you:

  • Ask them to download an MP Education Pack from our website to become more informed on this issue.
  • If they back your cause, they could join our campaign.
  • They could make confidential enquiries with officials or a government minister on your behalf.
  • They could choose to raise it publicly in the House of Commons – through questions, debates, motions or amendments.
  • MPs can ask Ministers questions during Question Time or send written questions to them. The government is required to answer parliamentary written questions.
  • They could introduce legislation.

You can use our email template and adapt it to add your own experience and reasons for the law change to protect Afro hair.